Article Writing Tips: 8 Tips to Make Your Content Stand Out

Thousands of how-to articles are available online where interested readers can learn how to change a car tire, create a website, or swaddle a baby. There should be a list of steps that fleshes out each phase of the process until it is completed in the article. Regardless of whether you're a professional writer or just a casual blogger, any person with a bit of knowledge can write a how-to article.

8 Tips to Make Your Content Stand Out

These articles provide step-by-step instructions on how to do something, such as changing a car tire, creating a website, or swaddling a baby. In a good article, each phase of the process is fleshed out in a list of steps. Anyone with a basic understanding of a subject and access to some reliable sources can create a how-to article, regardless of how much experience you have in writing.

To write a good article in record time, here's a step-by-step guide full of tips:

1. Select a topic.

Choosing a specific aspect of a subject in your life that you are relatively knowledgeable about will help you focus your article writing. For example, if you are an experienced chef, you could write a great how-to article about how to make the perfect au jus. An article on how to start a small business could be written by you if you are a successful small business owner. It's important to pick a topic you're well-versed in or passionate about because it'll not only make for great content but also keep you interested as you write about it.

2. Analyze your audience.

To identify the target audience you're trying to reach, you should take the reader's perspective. Identifying the right target audience also requires consideration of the following factors:
  • Demographics
  • Behaviors and interests
  • Buying habits
If you write too many complex terms in your article on fixing a bike chain, a teenager may not be able to understand what you're saying, making your article ineffective. Keep the reader's attention and maximize comprehension by tailoring your style to your target audience.

3. Do your own research

Be as thorough as possible with your research. It is important that your readers trust the information you provide. It is important to provide credible, supportive resources when writing articles regardless of how much you know about the subject matter.

4. Reduce your entry barrier.

Don't make it hard for your reader to get sucked into your story.

The opening paragraph of an article can be a significant barrier to entry. Before the reader can decide whether the article is really interesting and worth reading, he or she must wade through a large wall of text. In order to accomplish this, a great deal of effort must be expended. It won't be worth their time for most people.

Make your opening short and punchy. An easy way to get buy-in is with a one-sentence or two-sentence leading paragraph. In a matter of seconds, you can skim it and read it.

Try something short and engaging to get people's attention. If you want your reader to expend effort, prove that you're adding value.

5. Use short paragraphs and visuals.

It is generally a good idea to shorten everything.

Have you ever lost interest after reading rows and rows of dense paragraphs? Let's be honest. Once you've sold a reader on committing, if consumption becomes too laborious, you could lose them.

A short paragraph is tantalizing, on the other hand. You don't have to worry about anything complicated with them. I feel accomplished after completing them. Your eye gets drawn down the page as you read - you always want to read one more. It's best to break up your text. The words should be chased from paragraph to paragraph to keep your reader interested. Don't rush them. Space should be provided between ideas.

The breath between spoken sentences is a good example of how to balance words with empty spaces.

A short piece of writing does not mean it cannot be stylish and beautiful. Shorts need not be bland. That's what I thought once, and it's not true.

It's important that you don't use simple, cheap words when you're brief. They're powerful.

6. Keeping it simple is key.

The reader will be confused and lost if you overexplain, go off on tangents, or include irrelevant information. It is important to simplify your solution clearly and efficiently from your first sentence until the end of your how-to article. You should pay particular attention to this when your how-to steps don't follow a chronological order. For the person reading the process, you are responsible for making it easy to follow.

7. Keep it friendly.

It is important that a writer uses a tone that is helpful and assertive, rather than condescending or arrogant. Everyone dislikes being talked down to, no matter what their demographic is. As a speaker, you want your audience to trust you know what you're talking about and stay with you throughout your presentation.

8. Proofread your draft aloud.

Before you submit your article for approval, you should read it aloud multiple times. Your goal is to make sure that your text is concise and easy to understand for your reader. You might also want to have a trusted friend or family member look it over and give you honest feedback.

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